Well it's Christmas letter time again...and I never know how to start this thing. I actually started this process in November ... but quickly gave up. I tried again in early December, but just wasn't feeling it. I even googled Christmas letter ideas, but decided that Brett wouldn't like those ideas. So here I am, it's Christmas Eve ... and now it finally feels like time to write the letter. So here goes nothing.

One year ago, Zaeya took her first steps. Today, she runs around all the time, jumping is a skill she is still working on. She loves to read, dance, play musical instruments, and feed the cows at the farm while driving in the tractor. She loves to feed Pixel treats, and help around the house.

As for Brett and I ... we had a rather quiet winter. Quiet yes, but Brett did see some change. He left his job at the Co-op Refinery to focus on his business Shiverware. He builds mobile phone apps for internet connected hardware (it's okay if you don't know what that means ... sometimes I don't either). They have an office in a building at the univeristy and they now have two other people working for them. They even had their first Shiverware Christmas Party this year. They are moving on up! :) So most of his year has been spent getting Shiverware up and running with his business partners, but they have been successfull enough for them to keep going, so its a win win. He tells me daily that they will be successful, and we will retire millionaires. Only time will tell. In his spare time this year he decided to get back into running. Brett completed the the full QCM Marathon race this past September in his fastest time yet (he has only ran the full twice), but the best part ... he completed it barefoot! Yup! He is that crazy guy, who runs around the city without any shoes on. The best part. He beat my relay team of four people who were running the Marathon Relay by a few minutes. When he was all done, I asked him if he would do it again. He says No! He says that distance is not enjoyable..he will stick to shorter runs (like a half marathon).

My year was pretty quiet. Last fall after I returned from my parental leave, I started at a new school, FW Johnson found in the east end of Regina. The year went very well. I am half time in the VAP (Vocational Adaptive Program), and half time in the mainstream program teaching LLI (Levelled Literacy Intervention) with students who have difficulty reading. The school year has gone very well, I work with an amazing staff who are all very friendly and supportive. In my spare time I continue to to do strength training at the Coels Training Studio (my sister's double car garage she has turned into a fitness training studio). I also played court volleyball, and beach volleyball with our friends.

This spring Brett and I decided to go on a little getaway to the Mayan Riveria in Mexico. Zaeya spent the week down at the farm with Grandma and Papa while we set off to Mexico. The weather was beautiful and warm, the drinks were cold. Our resort was very close to Playa Del Carmen. We spent a day at Xel Ha (snorkeling while very hungover is not recommended). We climbed the Mayan Ruins at Coba, swam in a Cenote and visited a Mayan community. The rest of the resort was spend lounging on the beach or by the pool with a cocktail in our hands.

Just before we left for our Mexican vacation, my sister Michelle and her husband Jarret welcomed Olivia Danielle to their family. She is a beautiful little girl (much like her Auntie Dani), who is going to keep them both on their toes. I look forward to seeing how much trouble Olivia and Zaeya get themselves into over the years ... and to see who will be the brains of the operation ... and who will be the doer. Unlike when I was expecting Zaeya, Olivia made her arrival before we set off for Mexico (just before we left ... so we were able to sneak in some baby snuggles before we set off on vacay).

This summer was spent hosting weekly deck socials (Brett would watch the weather ... and when he saw a nice day would send out a message to our friends and family to meet for "Deck Drinks" (I swear Brett did do some work while he was at work besides arrange social gatherings). We also attended the Weekly Farmer's Market held outdoors in downtown Regina. Zaeya knew that Saturday mornings meant Bubble Guppies, waffles and a trip to the Farmer's Market. We took in some parades, some events in the park. Brett and I went out to Craven yet again. We had some crazy weather again ... but that isn't anything new ... .it's just Craven. We flew to Vernon, BC for a week to stay with Michelle and Jarret at the Coels Family Cabin (a gorgeous lake front cabin) where we spent the day lounging on the patio or the dock enjoying the beautiful weather. One day we ventured out for some wine tasting (and brought home a box full of wine), we hit up the Vernon Farmer's Market, and a few other local tourist spots. We also took a family camping trip to Clear Lake, Manitoba for 5 days staying in the O-Ten-Tiks found in the national park. Zae enjoyed the family vacay and was easily entertained playing only with a tin full of domino's to keep herself entertained. We went on a rather wet hike (like water up to our ankles deep ... we walked through the swamp at one point), we spent some time at the beach playing in the water and the sand, and visited with our friends the Bugera's who were also camping at Clear Lake at the same time.

Our friendly feline with lots of personality is still with us. Pixel turned 9 years old this fall. He still avoids Zaeya most of the time, but he has his moments when he sees her as his ally, especially since she loves to feed him treats. He is finally seeing that she isn't as bad as he first thought. He still enjoys his time outside, and has especially loved this long fall weather which has allowed him to be outside much later than usual. He loves sitting in her cat house watching the wrens eat from the bird feeder, and watching the occasional squirrel trying to sneak some food as well.

We would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year.

Love Brett, Dani, Zaeya & Pixel

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