Well ... the kids are in bed and dreaming of Santa on this Chirstmas Eve which means it is about time we start our annual Christmas Letter. Okay, so we missed last year, but life happens. This year we continue the tradition.

2018 started in the Mayan Riveria, in Mexico. The weather was cooler than I was hoping for, +20 C and cloudy, Boo! and our trip didn't quite go as planned. Brett was in the midst of switching medicine and was having a bad flare-up (of his Ulcerative Colitis). We decided to come home a day early as he had some troubling symptoms and wanted to ensure he could be treated in a local hospital. The first half of 2018 was spent mostly close to home so Brett could heal. In March we had a huge dump of snow and winter decided to stick around much longer (end of April). Once May hit it felt like summer arrived in the first week.

Our summer was a busy one. We spent a week in Vernon, BC, a weekend to celebrate Brett's cousins wedding, 4 days camping at Battleford Provincial Park, a weekend for the Tessier Family Reunion, camping with friends, campfires, pool parties, and camping at Good Spirit Provincial Park. We were away more than we were home, but we made so many memories. We wouldn't have it any other way.

Zaeya just turned 5 at the end of November. She is in her second year of Preschool with iDiscover Preschool and absolutely loves it. She continues to take swimming lessons and gymnastics. She loves watching SpaceX rocket launches with her dad, and is learning to cross country ski. She is very inquisitive, and asks many questions. She wakes up and starts talking and doesn't stop until she falls asleep in the evening.

Logan turned 2 at the end of August. He is a happy little guy, always making everyone smile and laugh. He loves music and is almost always dancing. He took swimming lessons this fall and is starting his first gymnastics class this winter (I have no doubt he will enjoy it). His favourite person is his big sister, Zaeya. She is usually the first person he will ask for, and if they are ever apart, he spends the majority of the time asking when she will be back. He is quite the little talker, and is starting to assert his independence.

Brett continues to work at his company, Shiverware, making mobile applications. He plays court volleyball on Sunday nights, and played beach volleyball on Tuesdays. This fall he picked up a new activity - Biathlon (shooting and Sking). He is really enjoying this new activity, and cannot wait for some snow to fall so he can actually use his skis instead of running in the dirt.

I am still teaching. I am back to Campbell Collegiate after being at FW Johnson for 3 years. The program I am in was put into every high school in Regina Public, which meant that only 1 of 3 Supportive Environment Program teachers would get to stay at Johnson. In May I found out I would be moving back to Campbell to start the new Supportive Environment Program. It has been very nice to work so close to home and Zaeya's Preschool. I continue to do physical training with my sister Michelle by attending 2 strength classes a week with her.

Pixel is still with us. He has mellowed so much with the addition of Logan to our family who LOVES his fur brother. Most days he can be found curled up somewhere warm. Once the kids go to bed, he usually comes out of hiding for snuggles with mom and dad.

We are looking forward to 2019. Not sure what it will bring, but we hope that we have a chance to visit and hang out with you. If you are ever in Regina, please stop by and say hello. And if we are headed your way, we will try our best to connect with you. We wish you all the best in 2019!

The Park Clan: Brett, Dani, Zaeya, Logan & Pixel

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